Daily Archives: 8. December 2015

8 December 2015

Zschäpe’s statement postponed again, now expected for tomorrow

The statement by Beate Zschäpe had been expected to be read out today. However, it was again postponed, this time until tomorrow.

Her counsel Borchert had told the court yesterday that Zschäpe was not feeling well as she had suffered a nervous breakdown after her cell had been searched. He asked that her statement be postponed until Wednesday and announced that he would not take part in the trial today. Today, Zschäpe told the presiding judge that she was feeling well. Her counsel Grasel announced that the statement would nonetheless only be read out tomorrow. As to questions by the court, he wished that those be put in writing, they would be answered in writing as well. Referring to the “intense strain” that Zschäpe would feel after her statement, he asked that the court cancel the trial day on Thursday.

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