Aid provided by the Emingers.
Today the court questioned several police officers who had dealt with the telephones of accused Eminger and his wife. Susan Eminger had several times sent her husband texts concering her activities with “Lise and Gerry” – alias names of Beate Zschäpe and Uwe Böhnhardt.
At 3.19 pm on 4 November 2011, there was a call from the cell phone used by Zschäpe to André Eminger’s cell phone, 11 minutes later a text was sent from his phone to his wife’s – all this took place directly after the bank robbery in Eisenach, the death of Mundlos and Böhnhardt and Zschäpe starting the fire in the Frühlingsstraße in Zwickau. This is strong evidence that Zschäpe asked Eminger for help in her flight. On the next day, there were two phone calls from public call booths to the Eminger’s landline.
Thus, after one year of trial days, the court finally begins hearing evidence concerning the charges against André Eminger. As these first details already show, however, he was in very close contact to “the Three” from directly after their having gone underground in 1998 until Zschäpe’s arrest in 2011. The aim will be to show that Eminger and his wife were not only supporters of the terrorist organization NSU over the entire time, but may well themselves have been members of that group.