18 September 2014

More on the Ceska pistol and on the investigations of the investigative team „Bosporus“

The first witness today was the police officer who had questioned Hans-Ulrich Müller, according to the indictment the original buyer of the Ceska murder weapon. In the last interview conducted by this officer, Müller was asked about his contacts in Thuringia, including Enrico Theile, the next link in the pistol’s chain of custody. Müller admitted to knowing Theile as well as other persons from the intersection of criminal and Nazi scenes. However, he still denied having bought the Ceska pistol. However, his statements conflicted not only with those of his acquaintance, but were also contradictory and unbelievable by themselves.

Following his testimony, police detective Vögeler from the Nuremberg criminal police was questioned again – he had already testified on the investigations into the Şimşek and Özüdoğru murder cases on 1 August 2013. One topic today was a discussion between the investigative team “Bosporus”, which was conducting the investigation into the series of murders, and the criminal police in Cologne concerning connections between the murders and the nail bomb attack in Cologne – the Cologne police was in possession of videos showing the perpetrators. These investigations – like the entire investigation of “Bosporus” – remained without result. A proposal to conduct a profiling session on both the murders and the bombing attack was rejected by the Cologne police, who felt that it would be “like comparing apples and oranges.”
Vögeler was also asked about the common investigations with police from other federal Länder, above all the police in Hamburg and Dortmund. Again, he reported that there had been investigations, but these had not led to any concrete results. This was mainly because all police units involved considered the case only under the angle of “criminal acts by foreigners” – despite concrete statements by family members that this must have been the work of Nazis and despite concrete clues in that direction provided by witnesses. Vögeler today could or would not even remember that there had been such clues at the time.

At the end of the trial day, victims’ counsel made three motions for the hearing of evidence concerning the close involvement of “the Three” into the “Blood & Honour” scene in Saxony. These motions aim at showing that Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt were fully integrated into the local Nazi scene during the entirety of their stay in Chemnitz, that they took part in leisure activities and political discussions and were even involved in the production of magazines and propaganda papers. This would again show that the NSU was an accepted part of the German Nazi scene which consciously followed and supported armed groups as part of the strategy to reach its political goals. That it was supported in this aim by informers and payments from the interior service has already been uncovered.