Daily Archives: 15. April 2015

15 April 2015

On the bank robberies in Stralsund, another „forgetful“ Nazi witness, and on the ideology of Mundlos and Böhnhardt

Today, the court first heard another witness of the bank robbery in Stralsund on 18 January 2007. A police officer related that the combined loot of this robbery and that of 7 November 2006 amounted to more than 250,000 Euros. A detective of the federal police reported on correlations between surveillance camera footage of the robberies and pictures of items seized in the burned-out mobile home in Eisenach and the apartment in the Frühlingsstraße in Zwickau. He had found a number of corresponding items, including guns used, masks and gloves as well as bank notes still contained in the banderoles from the bank. Along with DNA tests, as well as maps found in the Frühlingsstraße which contained markings for the location of the bank as well as a plan of the layout of the building, these items clearly showed that the robbery had been committed by Mundlos and Böhnhardt.

The next witness was another Nazi witness of the brazen forgetful variety. It is known from several police interviews with him that he had lived in Chemnitz and in Ludwigsburg in Baden-Württemberg and had been a contact for Nazis from Baden-Württemberg to Saxony. Today, he simply denied all of this. In his case, like in many others before, it remains to be seen how exactly this brazen perjury will be punished. In the meantime, court and prosecution seem to allow the Nazi witnesses to conduct their campaign of “forgetfulness” without any visible repercussions.

The final witness was a childhood friend of Uwe Mundlos’ who had been in contact with Mundlos up to his going underground. Mundlos had confided in him that he was involved in placing a suitcase with a mock bomb in Jena, that he did not want to go to jail for that and therefore planned to go underground. After Mundlos had gone underground, accused Wohlleben had brought him Mundlos’ mountain bike and asked him to sell it.
The witness confirmed once more that Mundlos as well as Böhnhardt had been fanatical National Socialists. Mundlos had advocated for the ideas of Rudolf Hess. Those groups which had also been the target of crimes in historical National Socialism would not have had a place in a “clean Germany” as imagined by him. The same had been true for Uwe Böhnhardt, who had also been a fan of guns, Mundlos had told the witness that Böhnhardt was well prepared to use those guns.