The 200th trial day – lies, trivialization and simply staying home
The 200th trial day showed once more that Nazi witnesses do not take the trial before the Munich Higher Regional Court seriously – and that the court allows them to do so. Witness Bernt Tödter wrote an email in the morning informing the court that, first, he was suffering from a gastric disease and, second, he did not have anything to tell the court anyway. Instead of simply having the police bring him to court, as many other courts would have done, he was first ordered to provide a doctor’s note concerning his claimed illness.
The next witness was a former member of the “Blood & Honour” scene in Chemnitz, nicknamed “Mappe” back then. She remembered that Mundlos and Zschäpe had once spent the night at her place and had been a lot friendlier than other Skinhead “comrades” from comrades. Other than that, she, like many others before her, did not have much of any substance to tell the court. One reason could be that she is still friends with the relevant “B&H” members in Chemnitz up to this day.
On the occasion of the 200th trial day, 22 victims’ counsel issued a press release, which we document (in German) here.