Daily Archives: 25. February 2016

1 to 3 March 2016 – Preview

Tuesday the court will focus mostly on the video with which the NSU claimed responsibility for its crimes. Wednesday morning will be devoted to the testimony of Reiner Görlitz, officer of the domestic secret service of Brandenburg and contact officer of Carsten Szczepanski. It seems likely that Görlitz will continue in his attempts at masquerades instead of telling the truth (see the reports of 1 July 2015 and 29 July 2015). Wednesday afternoon and Thursday are devoted to witnesses concerning the NSU’s robberies.

Update 1 Mach 2016:

The trial day on Tuesday has been cancelled, on Wednesday the trial will start at noon. Thus the court will only hear witnesses concerning the bank robberies this week.

25 February 2016

Wohlleben to remain in detention (unsurprisingly), and: additional trial days until January 2017.

Today the court was to hear two witnesses concerning robberies of post offices conducted by the NSU in October of 1999.

First, however, the trial was again interrupted upon motion by the Wohlleben defense. The court had decided yesterday that Wohlleben is to remain in detention as there remains a “strong suspicion” against him even after his statements in court, as the court found his claims that he had not known what Böhnhardt, Mundlos and Zschäpe would do with the gun provided by him and Schultze to be unbelievable. A well-reasoned decision which of course also means that Wohlleben is facing a conviction – reason enough for the defense to again challenge all judges for alleged bias. Continue reading