Ambition to convict: high; ambition to clear up the facts: low; ambition to protect the secret service: 100 %.
Today the court first read out several documents, including documents concerning a search of the apartment of David Petereit, member of parliament in the Land of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern for the Nazi party NPD and former editor of the Nazi zine “The White Wolf”. During the search, police found a copy of the “NSU letter” which the organization had send out, together with sums of money, to several neo-Nazi organizations. In the next issue in 2002, “The White Wolf” had published a Thank you-Note to the NSU, adding that “it has been fruitful:) The Fight goes on…” Petereit has been summoned to testify tomorrow.
After the obligatory lunch break, the court read out further decisions rejecting motions for evidence, this time motions made in February and April of 2014 (!) concerning the attempts by the Hessian secret service to hinder the police investigation of the NSU’s murder of Halit Yozgat in Kassel and to protect its officer Temme, who had been present at the crime scene but who claimed not to have noticed anything. Continue reading