Daily Archives: 9. October 2014

9 October 2014

More testimony on the murder weapon.

After the testimony of the Swiss police officer yesterday, the court today heard testimony from a Swiss prosecutor who had questioned Hans-Ulrich Müller and his acquaintance. His testimony too confirmed the evidence taken so far: Müller’s acquaintance confirmed that he had sold the papers for buying a gun to Müller for 400 Swiss francs, that Müller had told him that he was planning to sell the gun in Germany where it was hard for “certain people” to get their hands on guns, and that Müller had told him it was better for him if he did not ask any more questions. Müller denied everything, but his statements were contradictory.

Like yesterday, the defense Wohlleben tried everything to have the witness state that Müller’s acquaintance had been subjected to undue pressure. Like yesterday, the witness explained clearly that such pressure had not existed. The prosecutor had even arranged for a “confrontative questioning” with Müller and his acquaintance to allow the former to pose questions to the latter and thus to verify the latter’s testimony.

The situation therefore is still the same as in early July (see the reports of 1 July 2014 and 3 July 2014): the trial proceedings have not shown any reason to doubt that Wohlleben is guilty as charged.

8 October 2014

More on the Ceska murder weapon.

Today marked the final day of the testimony of a Swiss police officer who had already testified at length on investigations concerning where the NSU murder weapon had come from. He had questioned Hans-Ulrich Müller, who brought the gun to Thuringia, and an acquaintance of Müller’s who had provided him with the necessary paperwork to buy the gun in his, the acquaintance’s name.

His testimony today did not lead to any new developments (see already the reports of 16/17 September 2014 and 18 September 2014). The Wohlleben defense again objected to his statements being considered in the judgment, claiming that the police had put undue pressure on the witnesses – a claim without a basis in fact. The defense also moved that two Swiss police officers be heard as witnesses. They had conducted an investigation against the proprietors of the gun shop from which Müller had bought the gun, who had been suspected of selling guns to people not allowed to receive them. No matter whether that evidence is in fact taken and what it leads to, there is no way it could call into question the chain of evidence concerning the Ceska pistol and above all Wohlleben’s role in providing it. The court has already dealt extensively with that evidence in its decision to continue the detention of Wohlleben (see the reports of 1 July 2014 and 3 July 2014).

In front of the court building, spectators could witness another example showing the German Nazi scene mocking the trial: Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, leader of the armed Nazi gang “Wehrsportgruppe Hoffmann”, showed up and exchanged pleasantries inter alia with the Wohlleben defense.