15 October 2014

The NSU support network: Leader of „Blood and Honour“ Saxony refuses to testify.

The former leader of “Blood and Honour” Saxony, Jan Werner, refused to testify in order not to incriminate himself. Werner was not only in close contact with all those “Blood and Honour” members and sympathizers who had supported the NSU, but had also himself organized phone calls between the three who had gone underground and Wohlleben. The evidence heard so far leads to the assumption that “B&H” and the NSU had worked together closely at least until “B&H” came into the focus of law enforcement and was later banned.

Werner’s refusal to testify does render it more difficult to elucidate the facts concerning the NSU’s support network, but it least saves the parties from another testimony along the lines of “I don’t know anything.” What’s frustrating is that the case file does not show the federal prosecutor’s office actually trying to investigate Werner – it is likely that the investigation against him, on the basis of which he refused to testify today, will simply be discontinued without fanfare.

The court then read out two 1997 judgments concerning Uwe Böhnhardt as well as the minutes of two police interviews of Böhnhardt as an accused.