The court continues to kill time and to refuse to clear up the facts
Today the court first read out several documents
It then considered pictures of a vacation that Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt had taken in 2004, shortly after the bombing attack in the Keupstraße in Cologne. These show all three in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere – a marked contrast to Zschäpe’s claims that her relationship to the two men had become particularly strained after they told her about the attack in Cologne.
The court also continued its line of totally refusing to clear up the relevant facts by rejecting motions for evidence brought by victims’ counsel, this time concerning probable further supporters surrounding Blood and Honour activist and secret service informer Ralf Marschner from Zwickau – the court again claimed that all questions raised in the motions, including the likelihood of supporters renting vehicles used for NSU crimes, was irrelevant for the court case. We have already explained in our report of 20 April 2016 why this is simply wrong.