Daily Archives: 9. March 2016

9 March 2016

Further statement of accused Carsten Schultze

Today the court first heard two federal criminal police detectives who were part of the team that searched the mobile home in Eisenach in which Böhnhardt and Mundlos had killed themselves. The witnesses found several weapons, including a machine pistol. Another colleague of today’s witnesses, who found several more guns, will testify next week.

The presiding judge then gave the floor to accused Schultze for additional statements. Schultze had already made a detailed statement – albeit one seriously downplaying his own role – at the beginning of the trial (see the reports of 4 June 2013, 5 June 2013, 11 June 2013, 12/13 June 2013, 18 June 2013, 19/20 June 2013 and 10 October 2013). Now he wished to make an additional statement after several former “comrades” of his, particularly from the youth organization of the Nazi party NPD, the “Young National Democrats” (JN), had testified. Continue reading

8 March 2016

Further witness testimony on the NSU’s robberies

Today the court heard the testimony of several police detectives from Saxony who had been involved in the investigations concerning the NSU’s robberies of several post office and credit unions in Chemnitz and Zwickau. At the time, while there had been surveillance videos as well as shoe and tire prints at some locations, the police had been unable to catch the perpetrators.

It was only after 4 November 2011 that the federal criminal police managed to tie these crimes to the NSU based on clothes, weapons and parts of the loot which were found in the NSU apartment in Zwickau and in the mobile home in Eisenach.